Oriental hair is undoubtedly different from the rest. After all, they are smooth, heavy, black and very beautiful. But is it just these characteristics that make Asian hair deserve special attention?
In fact, in general, these hairs are thicker and therefore have a larger number of cuticle cells in each of the strands. As such, moisture does not get inside the locks, which makes them brighter and smoother.
But after all, how to take care of oriental hair? Here are some tips

No keratin
In oriental hair, keratin is distributed in abundance, which helps with resistance to heat, sun and even moisture. However, this excess substance can damage the wires.
So if your hair has these characteristics, avoid products with keratin! Give preference, for example, to those who take care of the scalp.
Do not paint in a salon that you don't trust
If you feel like coloring your hair, don't do it in some salon that you don't know! Oriental hair is very dark, so to dye it any other color you will need to discolor it first.
This is a very aggressive process! Therefore, look for a trusted professional to do this process.

Make your baby-liss last
Having a straight hair is a dream for a lot of women, but not everyone wants to spend a lifetime with it like that. However, as we said, Japanese hair is very heavy and therefore it is very difficult to hold the curls.
So the tip we give is as follows: use a lot of mousse and fixative spray. This pair will help your hair stay with the hairstyle longer.